Membership Benefits


Business Membership Benefits

Be part of Virginia Asian Chamber of Commerce network of more than 2,000 Pan Asian American companies and government across 9 U.S states in: Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and California.  

Join us as a distinguished business advocacy organization in the Southern United States.

Explore our statewide activities in our Gallery of Events

Business Membership Benefits Overview

Available through VACC Membership, our diverse business services include:

Invitation to procurement conferences and events designed for members

Meet top business, legislative, and corporate leaders of Virginia at VACC hosted signature events

Business leads development for your organization

Connections to regional and state programs

Assistance with applying for business certifications

Procurement and other business promotion opportunities

Eligibility to gain access to VACC’s Annual Small Business Grants

Member viability through ad advertising in VACC Business Newsletters

Access to grants and financing assistance for businesses

Receive exclusive invitations to private receptions and special events.

And much, much more.